Thursday, July 14, 2022

International Non-Binary People's Day






Greetings folks!

For work I still have the opportunity to write weekly reflections related to health equity. Here is today's reflection. 

July 14 is International Non-Binary People’s Day. This day is intended to raise awareness and celebrate individuals who identify as non-binary. The term “non-binary” is an umbrella term that includes individuals whose gender identify and/or expression does not conform to the socially constructed gender binary. These individuals may identify as being both a man and a woman or their identify may fall outside of these categories. While many transgender people may identify as non-binary, they are not the same. American culture has reinforced that two-gender binary, creating stress and tension for those who may identify as non-binary but choose to not to live as their authentic selves for fear of judgement and repercussion. As we consider ways to create inclusive environments, we must consider how to make them inclusive for all- including non-binary people. This can look like introducing yourself with your pronouns and addressing groups as ‘folks’, ‘pals’, or ‘everyone’ instead of the traditional ‘ladies and gentlemen. Move towards using gender inclusive language in your polices and documents (i.e. use ‘they’ instead of ‘he/she’). These small ways can help you become an ally for non-binary people and help you bring about more inclusivity.

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