Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Leadership Philosophy

 For the past several months I have been in leadership coaching. This is something I sought out on my own because I've felt "stuck". I have the education, skills, and abilities but I feel that no one views me as a leader. I know part of this is because I don't share all the amazing work I do. People don't really know what I do let alone all the aspects of what I do. 

So far my time in coaching has been a great, introspective experience. I've learned things about myself and I have gained more confidence in my ability to lead. My coach reminded me that there are many out there who are looked to as leaders just because they called themselves that. I can start leading where I am at; I do not have to wait for others to "see" me as a leader. 

Part of the work has been to develop my leadership philosophy. There were several exercises leading up to developing my philosophy including identifying my own leadership values. I spent a lot of time in reflection about what leadership is and what it means for me to be a leader. I've realized that while I am more of a behind the scenes guy, I need to put myself out there more. Starting this blog was a way for me to put myself out there and to share my thoughts and perspectives on things. 

Now here is my leadership philosophy. 

There is a difference between leaders and good leaders.

Good leaders respect and value those they lead.

I believe leadership is fluid and contextual.

Good leadership is the ability to adeptly use knowledge, skill, and influence.

I value wisdom, collaboration, and competence.

Good leaders seek to do no harm.

I seek justice in all my work.

Trust is foundational to good leadership.

I cultivate trust through authenticity, commitment, and follow through.

Diverse perspectives bring strength and help to shape leadership behavior.

I am a humble learner; learning from other leaders and those who follow.

I believe leadership has the potential to make positive change.

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