Thursday, May 7, 2020

Graduating Social Workers

It's May and another group of BSW and MSW social workers will graduate and soon enter the field of social work. It is usually an exciting time, but I am sure there is anxiety due to the uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused. May is usually a month for celebrating a major life accomplishment, but lots of celebration has been postponed.

I have been reflecting on my MSW graduation. There were difficult times for my class because it was the year we had a lot of snow and the university closed a lot and school-based and other internships repeatedly closed. Several of my classmates were stressed with not knowing how to complete their hours. I think that stress is nothing compared to what the 2020 graduates have experienced.

In an effort to support new graduates, I am moderating a virtual career panel with experienced social workers to provide some helpful advice as new grads seek employment during a pandemic. I am not sure if anyone will even register, however, I am excited that I am doing it and I am excited that several great community leaders are helping by serving on the panel. I've never done this before so I do hope it is helpful and that new social workers find some value if they choose to participate.

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