It's New Year's Eve and I have spent some time reflecting on this past year and thinking about what I want to accomplish in 2022. I haven't formalized any goals yet, but I have decided my word for the year.
This past year has been a significant year for me. I did a number of presentations and trainings. I won a 20 Under 40 Leadership award, and I stated my new role as the Director of Health Equity and Clinical Resources at the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities. It's been a busy year for sure, but a very fulfilling one professionally.
In 2022, I want to be intentional about making an impact. Not to say my previous work hasn't been impactful, but this past year or so I have worked on strengthening my leadership voice and building confidence in myself. In my new role, I get the opportunity to work with Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Services Boards across Ohio to work towards advancing behavioral health equity, diversity, and inclusion. I am a leader in Ohio for behavioral health equity and I am setting my intention to make a positive impact in this space.
I have ideas for goals for this upcoming year, but they are kind of just floating in my head right now. Once I am comfortable enough I will right them down and put them. Last year I put them in my planner so I could refer to them frequently. This year, I have a notebook where I plan to write them down along with some other things I will be tracking. Tracking progress is a great way to stay motivated to reach the goal. Maybe I'll put my goals here so it can kind of help keep me accountable.
My friend send me this yesterday and I think it's an important reminder as I consider my goals for next year.