Tuesday, July 27, 2021


In the work of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, we can see the growing importance of the concept of belonging. The Society for Human Resource Management (2020) states that research has shown the need to belong at work is second to the need to belong at home. I am not an expert on the topic of belonging, but it is intriguing to me. It has been brought up in some of the spaces I am in, especially at work where our Director of Health Equity has started to bring it up a lot. 

I know from my own experience I do not feel like I belong at work. I don't feel a part of what's going on. I feel like if I left no one would care or notice. I feel like the work I do isn't valued so whether I take on extra responsibility or do the bare minimum it doesn't matter. 

I asked the group I provide training supervision for "what does it feel like when you belong?". I wanted to get from their perspective what does belonging look and feel like because belonging is a feeling. The best intentioned supervisor or administrator can do a lot of things to try to make employees feel involved, but that may not get that feeling of belonging. 

Here are the responses from the group when asked about feeling like they belong. 
  • Protecting the group
  • Receiving and giving positive reinforcement
  • Getting something out of the relationship
  • Authentic relationships that allow for correction
  • Accountability
  • Knowing the culture
  • Feeling safe
I think that last point is very salient. Feeling safe at work is a necessary first step to belonging. How do you belong without feeling safe? Maybe belonging is a long term process, so organizations should focus on helping people feel safe before they feel like they belong. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Sharing some old work

Several years ago now I wrote this submission to an online social work journal. I was studying the topic in my educational psychology classes and thought it was really useful information for social workers. I still think it is. The subject is pervasive and I believe it goes under-reported. At the time I thought there should be a screening to help professionals determine if there was an issue. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Missing the Mark

 Today is July 15, 2021. I made a goal this year to post at least twice a month. I was doing really well too, but time marches on and I missed the mark. I failed my goal. I feel like I have a lot of thoughts in my head, but I cannot string enough of those thoughts together to make a coherent post. Am I experiencing writer's block?

I am putting this out there, despite missing my goal I intend to get back on track this month. I actually thought I would be back on track last week, but here we are. 

While I work on getting back on track here is an update on me. Right now, I am in a narcan training at the University of Toledo getting ready to provide an update on some community resources for the participants in the training. I have been taking a class in Project Management that has been more challenging that I thought it would be. Who knew there was so much writing in Project Management (other than project managers). I am preparing a presentation with Dr. Elhai for Ohio Children's Alliance Transforming Care for Kids Conference. Our presentation is titled Peers & Predators: Helping Youth Navigate Stress from Social Media. I am a little anxious because our PowerPoint is due tomorrow, but it's not done. More to come on that.